Request for Quotation

Compare your suppliers with a single click

Take control of your supplier consultations

Supplier Portal

Supplier Portal

Express your need to the suppliers on your panel and simplify your request.

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Compare the Offers

Compare the Offers

Compare easily the quotes received and make the right choice.

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Reliable audit control

Reliable audit control

Optimize your purchasing process by adopting a reliable solution.

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Discover all our features

consultation management

90% of companies cut costs after competing with several suppliers

Stop looking for your supplier. Just find it.

According to a recent survey, more than 90% of companies believe that effective consultation management is essential to maximizing procurement value and reducing costs.


Weproc offers an automated solution to optimize the supplier consultation process, streamlining the bidding process, improving collaboration with suppliers and providing better visibility on costs.

Expression of needs to suppliers

Formulate your request with a simplified form. Fill in the data required to understand your needs.

Send a grouped and optimized request to your suppliers rather than repeating your steps. Receive their documents on a secure portal.

supplier invitation
offer comparison

Compare the offers

Manage your supplier offers (refusals, reminders, clarifications) and take advantage of our quote comparison tool to facilitate your decisions.

Simplify your decision making with Weproc and save time on your calls for tender.

Secure your purchasing process

From the transmission to the reception of the files, the exchanges are secured. Centralize your files and find all the details thanks to the traceability of actions.

Optimize your purchasing process and achieve compliance with Weproc!

order transformation


Frequently Asked Questions
Any questions ? We got the answers !

What is a request for quotation ?

A request for quotation is a supplier selection process that consists of requesting bids and proposals from various providers. This request allows you to evaluate the suppliers’ offers and choose the one that best meets your needs.

Why should I conduct a request for quotation ?

Conducting a RFQ allows you to find the best suppliers for your needs in terms of quality, cost and services.

It also allows you to negotiate the terms of your purchase orders and improve your supply chain management up to the invoicing and payment stage.

How do I choose which suppliers to consult ?

To choose the suppliers to invite to your tender, you must determine your selection criteria and identify the best potential suppliers from your panel. These criteria can be their experience, their reputation, their ability to meet the requirements of the specifications, their certifications, their customer references, their prices or their ability to meet delivery deadlines.

It is important to conduct a preliminary market analysis and select the most relevant suppliers for your purchasing project.

How to evaluate suppliers' offers ?

To evaluate suppliers’ offers during a consultation, you must take into account several criteria such as the quality of the products or services proposed, the cost, the delivery times and the guarantees. It is important to rate each offer objectively to facilitate your decision making.

How to prepare an effective RFQ ?

To prepare an effective supplier consultation, you need to clearly define your needs and objectives, as well as the criteria for selecting suppliers. You will also need to develop detailed specifications specific to your business so that suppliers can respond accurately. Finally, be sure to allow sufficient time for the preparation and execution of the consultation, as well as for the evaluation of suppliers’ offers.

Our additional modules

Purchase Requisition

Purchase Requisition

Optimize your purchases by starting with a well formulated request and simplify the transmission of information.

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Purchase Orders

Purchase Orders

Improve the management of your purchases from beginning to end and simplify your ordering process.

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Don’t lose track of your receipts : follow the arrival of your orders in real time with Weproc.

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Weproc Purchasing Software makes managing your business easier

Weproc automates corporate purchasing management and streamlines your exchanges within a collaborative, user-friendly solution.

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