Business Administration

Easily create, track and manage your current business and projects

business management

Take charge of your business

Margin Calculation

Margin Calculation

Weproc automatically calculates your profit on each of your projects.

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Validation Workflow

Validation Workflow

Customize your validation circuit according to the project.

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Consumption follow-up

Consumption follow-up

Benefit from real-time monitoring and analysis of your projects.

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Discover all our features

business management

17% higher margins when a company effectively monitors its projects

Keep track of all your business, in real time

Lack of visibility into your current business can have a negative impact on your company’s financial performance.

Weproc allows you to have real time visibility on the progress of each of your deals, and thus quickly identify savings opportunities.

Track and improve your margins

Our business management module automatically calculates the margin rate on each of your projects.

Make decisions in real time based on consumption according to the reports made.

improve margins
purchasing workflow

Create validation circuits based on the impacted project

Weproc offers you the ability to customize approval workflows based on the project that is affected by your expenses. The users concerned are immediately informed in real time, which speeds up the validation process.

Automatically track your business expenses

Each order placed through the software automatically updates the consumption of your projects, while allocation analyses are also updated in real time.

No more wasting time manually entering these expenses in a separate file.

business consumption monitoring


Frequently Asked Questions
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The additional features



Improve the control of your spending by monitoring your budget in real time with our management tool.

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Department Management

Department Management

Facilitate the management of your purchases by simply organizing and analyzing the needs of your departments.

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Validation Workflow

Validation Workflow

Optimize your team’s efficiency by streamlining the approval process to save time.

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Weproc Purchasing Software makes managing your business easier

Weproc automates corporate purchasing management and streamlines your exchanges within a collaborative, user-friendly solution.

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